(Note to the victims: Please help me get Roy behind bars where he belongs. I just contacted the Florida Attorney General who says on their website they protect consumers. They responded to this webpage by saying that YOU as victim need to come forward. There are 60 of you on the bankruptcy. Here is the response letter. There is also an Investigate Report for WPBF, Terri Parker, that wants to do a story. So if you want to be interviewed about Roy please contact me. I will be the first to go on camera as my main question is HOW CAN SOMEONE CHEAT SO MANY PEOPLE THAT IS WELL DOCUMENTED AND STILL BE FREE TO CONTINUE DOING IT? HE STILL HAS HIS ACTIVE REAL ESTATE LICENSE? WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO GET SOMEONE BEHIND BARS? Below is all the documentation showing he has conned many. )

If you don’t want to be interviewed then please be willing to file a complaint contact me and I will get it started. Roy is trying to take my website down with the threat of a lawsuit. I am fighting to get him behind bars as he ripped me off like you. You can file with the local Sheriffs Economic crime Unit or here with the Florida Attorney General Please help me at this time to get that accomplished.)

Roy Dan is currently conning potential homeowners in South Florida by taking deposits for homes that are never built. He is continuing to do this even though his theft was exposed under Bankruptcy attempting to conceal his theft.

  1. His website – The website is www.tbni.org  . Drawing of affordable homes designed to entice those needing a home. Roy does not have a contractor’s license. It is an attempt to make him look legitimate. No home has ever been constructed. Over 60 documented cases of stolen deposits are listed under his bankruptcy.
  2. His complaint against me – Roy conned me in 2004 out of a lot of money. Since then, I have been exposing him and now a law firm is asking that I stop with this demand letter. I will not as I am the only one currently trying to stop him.
  3. His arrest report including Probable Cause  by Palm Beach County.  He was released as the Palm Beach District Attorney was unaware there were other victims.
  4. Some victims fought back for their stolen deposits and investments. You will see the same modus operandi including the same bogus real estate contract.
    1. Martha Figueroa’s lawsuit for a stolen $10K deposit.
    1. Sheron Watson – her lawsuit to get her deposit back
    1. Dr. Evans – a doctor who invested $230K  into JEM Homes to help others and filed suit upon discovering Roy is a fraud.
    1.  Lawsuit from a architectural firm for plans for $400K. Roy was given the plans but never paid a dime. He is using them for a condominium project in Saint Martin for another con to try and get investors.
    1. Lawsuit for land Roy tried to obtain for a housing development.Wright Brothers Contractors invested almost $700K with Roy for land and homes to be built. Here is their lawsuit showing it was a sham.
    1. There are sixty documented victims under the bankruptcy that lost deposits for homes never built with a total of $600K. Roy was trying to sell Jem Homes to an investor and all the debt that came along with it using bankruptcy but was caught

      The Bankruptcy is still ongoing but already it produced more proof of Roy’s deception. One of the attorneys told me that Roy made a very poor choice by trying to hide his theft under a bankruptcy.

Judgement against Roy R. Dan for $993,997Click here to view

Judgement against Jenifer Dan for $20,000Click here to view

Judgement against Total Building Needs for $875,997.76Click here to view

All the scams as described by the court. By far the best document for you to read showing his conning methods. Scroll down to page 4 to read them all.

9/18/2023 – (click to download) FEDERAL LAWSUIT filed against Roy CLEARLY showing his deception and the money he stole from innocent people. Here is a excerpt: 130. Roy Dan used Total Building Needs as a mere sham or device for the improper, illegal, fraudulent, and unjust purpose of fraudulently inducing clients and /or investors into transferring assets to the Debtor. Roy Dan then transferred those funds to the Total Building Needs to pay for the personal expenses of Roy Dan and his family.
131. The Debtor either never intended to build affordable housing for its clients, but only used the lure of buying land and manufacturing affordable homes to the Debtor’s clients to financially benefit Roy Dan and his family through fraudulent claims that Total Building Needs was providing services to the Debtor

7. His mugshot when he was arrested in Palm Beach County for taking a $17,000 deposit for a home to be built and building nothing. This is a very detailed investigation. The criminal case was dismissed due the District Attorney not knowing that Roy had other victims. They considered a civil matter and charges were dropped.

So the proof is there he is a con man and preying on people trying to buy homes. Why does he still have a valid Florida Realtor license? Can your office please do something about putting a stop to him?

Dean Loudermilk
